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9006X Telescopic Bottle Jack - 6 ton 305mm stroke

9006X Telescopic Bottle Jack - 6 ton 305mm stroke


not inc. vat, not inc. p&p

price on application, please call

9006X Telescopic Bottle Jack 6ton 305mm stroke

  • Telescoping jacks offer all of the quality features and capabilities of the standard bottle jack line with a bonus. The super-long stroke of these jacks saves time and effort by eliminating the need to lift, crib, lift, etc. In most applications, the user can place the jack once and complete the lift.
  • The 9015X offers very low clearance capability, making it the ideal choice for forklift maintenance or machine lifting.
  • The taller 9006X, 9011X and 9013X all feature a unique beveled base that allows the jack to “follow” the load laterally as it is raised, greatly reducing side-loading of the piston.


Contact Us

  • 01252 333883
  • [email protected]
  • Modular Hydraulic Systems Ltd .
  • Units 9 & 10 Redan Hill Estate
  • Aldershot - Hampshire
  • GU12 4SJ

Factory Hours

  • Monday-Friday - 8.00am to 5.00pm
9006X Telescopic Bottle Jack - Hydraulic - Hydraulics - Bottle Jacks Telescopic - Telescoping Jacks - Spx - Power Team - Hydraulic Jacks - Forklift Jacks